In our experience of 10 years selling hair extensions we have heard and viewed so many customers talking about hair loss and that is really big problem with many persons. That is the reason why we want to give a compilation about this here.
Did you know that 1 in 4 women experience hair loss? The numbers are staggering and millions of people all over the world are privately and publicly dealing with the signs of hair loss. Hair loss is impartial and affects men, women, and children no matter their age or ethnicity. Hair loss is not only a side effect of things like our environment, genetics, stress, diet, medications and other things, but it in itself has its own side effects. This could include a loss of confidence, added stress, uncomfortable situations – the list goes on and on. Here are the top 6 reasons someone may experience hair loss. And the goal is not only to know the most common causes, but also to grasp how all of us at one point or another will be affected by one or more of these factors.
On average, a person will shed between 100 and 200 hair follicles a day. For those with normal hair growth, these follicles are replaced by other hair follicles entering the growth phase. Here’s how it works: Hair grows about a half-inch each month from its follicle. Each individual hair will grow for two to six years, rest, fall out, then new hair will grow in its place. Unfortunately, sometimes, when a hair falls out, a new hair does not grow.
You may think hair thinning only affects older women, or women going through menopause. The truth is, hair thinning can start as early as in your teens and 20s. In general, as you age, the rate at which your hair grows begins to slow down.
Causes of Hair Loss
Hair loss can happen at any age, for a number of reasons. Some types of hair loss, such as those caused by extreme stress, are temporary and eventually, your hair will grow back by itself. Another common cause for hair loss in women is pregnancy. Other reasons can include a change in hormones, improper diet, medical illness, and even some cosmetic procedures such as hair perms or excessive bleaching/coloring.
6 common causes of hair loss
A genetic predisposition of hormonal balances and imbalances, as well as the conversion of testosterone to DHT, can be inherited from either your mother's or your father's side of the family.
Increased levels of stress might produce increased levels of testosterone which converts to DHT and interrupts the hair growth cycle. Stress of trauma can also constrict the blood supply to the capillaries, causing a lack of oxygen and nutrient uptake, as well as vitamin and nutrient assimilation for the hair follicle.
High consumption of animal fats (such as those found in fast food), vitamin A or rapid weight loss reduces the amino acids and vitamin assimilation needed for hair growth. Poor nutrition, limiting food intake, and liquid protein diets can cause hair loss. Deficiencies in biotin, iron, protein and zinc are particularly damaging to healthy hair growth. Toxicity of vitamins and minerals can also cause hair loss.
Malfunction of the hormone producing thyroid (hyper and hypo thyroid disease) is one of the only known health related causes to hair loss. The side effects of the medications used to treat thyroid disease can also cause hair loss problems. Pregnant women, generally considered healthy, can also experience hair loss that is generally associated with temporary hormonal changes in the body.
The side effects of drugs can cause hair loss, as the hair follicle is sensitive to changes. Birth control, for example is a hormone. Almost any hormonal therapy can potentially cause hair loss. Steroids, specific chemotherapies as well as many blood pressure, diabetic, heart disease and acne medications can cause temporary or permanent hair loss.
Air pollutants, chlorine, metals, minerals and water pollution. Pollutants from the environment, such as pseudo-estrogens (mimics estrogen) and toxins from within our body, can play a combined role in hair loss.
So which one has affected you personally?
COVID-19 and Hair loss
Did you also know that COVID-19, with all its uncertainties, may certainly cause hair loss? reported that 27% of COVID-19 patients recovering from the disease suffered prolonged hair loss as a result. They call it a lingering symptom that those who have been affected by COVID-19 will face long after the disease is over. According to USA Today, doctors are concluding that telogen effluvium, which is temporary hair loss that usually happens after stress, illness, high fever, or extreme weight loss, is to blame. Dr. Esther Freeman, director of Dermatology COVID-19 registry, keeps track of how cases are affected on a dermatological level, states that people start to experience hair loss 3 months after the illness. USA Today reports people can lose up to 50% of their hair. Those with a genetic predisposition are at risk but according to recent studies, the hair loss is temporary and sufferers should see regrowth in a few weeks.
Kinds of Hair loss
Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune skin disease that causes hair loss on the scalp, face and sometimes on other areas of the body, is another form of hair loss, where the immune system mistakes the normal cells in the body as foreign invaders and attacks these cells. It is unknown exactly what “triggers” the immune system to attack healthy hair follicles when people have alopecia areata, or even if these triggers first happen inside the body (from a virus or bacteria), outside the body (from something in your surroundings) or if it’s a combination of both. There are various types of alopecia areata. The most common form is known as alopecia areata patchy — where there are one or more coin-sized hairless patches on the scalp or other areas of the body. Alopecia totals is another form, where there is total loss of hair on the scalp. With alopecia areata, your hair follicles remain alive and hair can regrow at any time.
Female pattern hair loss, which is characterized by thinning hair on the top and crown of the head, affects more than 3 million women in the U.S. This thinning in women often starts as a widening of the center hair part that leaves the front hairline unaffected. While female pattern hair loss is permanent, the extent of the hair loss is usually mild to moderate.
Hair Loss Solutions
Look for common visual cues that might help determine if you’re beginning to lose more hair than usual. Some things to look for include excess hair loss when brushing or washing your hair (you might see extra strands of hair with the root attached in your hair brush), large amounts of hair on your pillow or in the shower drain, a center part that’s wider than usual, or a more visible scalp when your hair is pulled back.
Identifying the health of your hair as well as its growth pattern is an important step in determining what type of coverage is best for you. Begin by examining the extent of your hair loss in 3 steps.
Using the guide below, identify the stage that most closely resembles your hair.
Using the guide below, identify the area on your head where you are experiencing hair loss.
Measure the area where you are experiencing hair loss by taking 2 measurements: front to back and side to side. This is an important step, because you want to be sure that you have enough hair to attach the clips to. You will want to take note of the base dimension of each product as you consider what hairpiece or topper is best for you.
Some experience of natural treatment method from Vietnam
1. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a pretty good hair loss treatment. You can mix 40ml of pure grapefruit essential oil with 20ml of basil essential oil in one liter of pure coconut oil. Then you make wet the scalp and use about 15-20ml of the above mixture, massage into the hair roots of the hair loss or bald area for 20-30 minutes and then wash it with shampoo. Apply this regularly 3 times a week you will see noticeable results.
2. Garlic
Garlic is one of the great ingredients in beauty care. This material is very beneficial for hair. There are a few studies that have proven that people who apply garlic juice to their hair, the hair gradually returns within a few weeks.
You just need to rub garlic juice and massage into the scalp, helping to increase blood circulation under the scalp, stimulating hair growth.
Or you can apply thinly sliced garlic to key areas where you notice the most visible signs of hair loss or thinning.
4. Coconut oil
You can take 10ml of coconut oil into a small bowl, then dip a cotton swab into the coconut oil and then rotate small areas about the size of a dime on the dry scalp. Thus, coconut oil will penetrate evenly into the hair roots and scalp. If you want the coconut oil to absorb evenly, then after you dot the cotton swab, use your hands to rub it (called "scalp massage"). After finishing the hair roots, use a cotton swab to dip coconut oil on the comb to comb the hair to help the coconut oil soak into each hair.
5. Aloe vera
Aloe vera not only has a very good skin care effect, but also is a treatment to support hair loss - stimulate hair growth, which is extremely effective in folklore. The nutrients of aloe vera help provide the necessary moisture for hair to grow faster and thicker. And yet, aloe vera also helps restore damaged, lifeless hair to become strong, shiny and radiant.
6. Locust tree
Locust tree is a very useful fruit for hair. In ancient times, women and mothers often used this fruit to cook as shampoo to have smooth, black and long hair. That's because locust contains flavonozides and saponaretin substances, which help hair grow fast and long, smooth.
With 10 years from experiment of supplying real human hair extensions and be the leading hair supplier in Vietnam, many customers ask us the hair to wear because of their hair loss and their hair become so thin. They can buy bundles and closures then they make wig themselves or they also can buy wig we make.
Contact with us to get any hair extensions you want.
Thank you so much for your reading.
From VUY Company
This writing has references from:
- Vita Nguyen
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