Can we get Raw hair from Single Donor Hair?

This is the question which some of our customers often ask. They always think that raw hair is the hair with 1 bundle from 1 donor. Our answer is that we can make raw hair from single donor hair if you want.
In fact our single donor is often baby thin hair which is very silky and soft and 1 bundle from 1 donor. This is the hair we often recommend to customers when they want very natural silky and soft and they are very good to make light blonde.

With raw hair, we often make 1 bundle from some donors to make the same weight in each bundle (about 100grams for 1 bundle). The price for raw hair is cheaper than single donor hair.

But if you want raw hair with a single donor, do not mix any donor and make 1 bundle from 1 donor from the hair not very silky and soft as baby thin hair, we can make it for you and we call it donor 50. When you order with our salesman, note that name for them, you will get it.
The difference between Raw hair single donor and Raw hair mixing donor:
- Raw hair single donor can be bleached to light blonde while raw mixing donor only can be bleached to dark blonde.
- Raw hair single donor can be bleached to light blonde while raw mixing donor only can be bleached to dark blonde.
- Raw hair single donor has a higher price than Raw hair mixing donors.
- Raw hair single donor has different weight in each bundle but total weight of the order is still enough for customers. Raw hair mixing donors have the same weight in each bundle (about 100grams for 1 bundle).

We have just explained in detail about Raw hair single donor and Raw hair mixing donor and now you will know the best choice for you.
If you have any question or order any hair, feel free to contact with our salesman or this hotline: +84866551369
- Thế Hải Nguyễn
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