Single donor hair is SPECIAL & UNIQUE. Why?

Single donor hair is SPECIAL & UNIQUE. Why?
We are selling real single donor hair and we are having a problem like this: some customers are asking us to find exactly the same bundle as what they saw on our post. If those bundles are still available, so no problem. But in case it has been sold out. Do you think we can find exactly the same bundle?

Please note that each single donor bundle is unique. We just can try to find a similar one, not exactly the same.
And follow our idea, do not be too stressed to find the exactly the same bundle. Since single donor hair makes you unique. Even when you are trying to ask for 2 or 3 bundles to make a wigs, no need to get 2-3 bundles the same color, it can be some lighter, some darker. After installation, you will get a super special hair color that nobody has the same as yours. No stylist can do exactly the same color as your hair now. SO YOU ARE SPECIAL, YOUR HAIR IS UNIQUE. And trust us that the color will blend so well.

And one more thing, your hair is single donor hair, so you still can change color. You can ask your stylist to change color if you want.
You are paying a high price for single donor hair, so you deserve to have really beautiful and special hair.
Do not hesitate to ask us any question you may have. We are happy to share all of our knowledge about hair/hair business to you.

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